Subanen -Philippine Flag unity
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Showing posts with label Language. Show all posts

Four famous Colors in Subanen

black - gitom
green - glunow
red - ompula
yellow – dalag

Quantifiers and counting numbers guide (Subanen - English Translations)

Subanen numerical values, counting numbers one to decillion to centillion
Counting numbers in Subanen from one to Centillion

 Numeric  - Subanen - English 

 1 - Sala bok - One
 2 - Duak - Two
 3 - Tolu - Three
 4 - Pat - Four
 5 - Lima - Five
 6 - Gonom - Six
 7 - Pitu - Seven
 8 - Oalu - Eight
 9 - Siam - Nine

 1 - Sapuluk - Ten
 20 - Duak puluk - Twenty
 30 - Tolu puluk - Thirty
 40 - Pat puluk - Forty
 50 - Lima puluk - Fifty
 6 - Gonom puluk - Sixty
 70 - Pitu puluk - Seventy
 80 - Oalu puluk - Eighty
 90 - Siam puluk - Ninety

 100 - Sagatus - One Hundred
 200 - Duakgatus - Two Hundred
 300 - olugatus - Three Hundred
 400 - Patgatus - Four Hundred
 500 - Limagatus - Five hundred
 600 - Gonomgatus - Six Hundred
 700 - Pitugatus - Seven Hundred
 800 -Oalugatus - Eight Hundred
 900 - Siamgatus - Nine hundred

 1,000 - Sangibu - One Thousand
 2,000 - Duakngibu - Two thousand
 3,000 - Tolungibu - Three Thousand
 4,000 - Patngibu - Four Thousand
 5,000 - Limangibu - Five Thousand
 6,000 - Gonomngibu - Six Thousand
 7,000 - Pitungibu - Seven Thousand
 8,000 - Oalungibo - Eight Thousand
 9,00 - Siamngibu - Nine thousand

 Ten Thousands 
 10,000 - Sapulukngibu - Ten Thousand
 20,000 - Duak pulukngibu - Twenty Thousand
 30,000 - Tolu pulukngibu - Thirty Thousand
 40,000 - Pat pulukngibu - Forty Thousand
 50,000 - Lima pulukngibu - Fifty Thousand
 60,000 - Gonom pulukngibu - Sixty Thousand
 70,000 - Pitu pulukngibu - Seventy Thousand
 80,000 - Oalu pulukngibu - Eighty Thousand
 90,000 - Siam pulukngibu - Ninety Thousand

 Hundred Thousands
 100,000 - Sagatungibu - One Hundred Thousand
 200,000 - Duakgatungibu - Two Hundred Thousand
 300,000 - Tolugatungibu - Three Hundred Thousand
 400,000 - Patgatungibu - Four Hundred Thousand 
 500,000 - Limagatungibu - Five Hundred Thousand
 600,000 - Gonomgatungibu - Six Hundred Thousand
 700,000 - Pitugatungibu - Seven Hundred Thousand 
 800,000 - Oalugatungibu - Eight Hundred Thousand
 900,000 - Siamgatungibu - Nine Hundred Thousand

 1,000,000 - Samillion - One Million
 2,000,000 - Duak million - Two Million
 3,000,000 - Tulok million - Three Million
 4,000,000 - Pat million - Four Million
 5,000,000 - Limak million - Five Million
 6,000,000 - Gonom million - Six Million
 7,000,000 - Pituk million - Seven Million
 8,000,000 - Oaluk mlillion - Eight Million
 9,000,000 - Siam million - Nine Million

 Ten Millions
 10,000,000 - Sapulu million - Ten Million
 20,000,000 - Duak puluk million - Twenty Million
 30,000,000 - Tulo puluk million - Thirty Million
 40,000,000 - Pat puluk million - Forty Million
 50,000,000 - Lima puluk million - Fifty Million
 60,000,000 - Gonom puluk million - Sixty Million
 70,000,000 - Pitu puluk million - Seventy Million
 80,000,000 - Oalu puluk million - Eighty Million
 90,000,000 - Siam puluk million - Ninety Million

 Hundred Millions
 100,000,000 - Sagatu million - One Hundred Million
 200,000,000 - Duakgatu million - Two Hundred Million
 300,000,000 - Tolugatu million - Three hundred Million
 400,000,000 - Patgatu million - Four Hundred Million
 500,000,000 - Limagatu million - Five Hundred Million
 600,000,000 - Gonomgatu million - Six Hundred Million
 700,000,000 - Pitugatu million - Seven Hundred Million
 800,000,000 - Oalugatu million - Eight Hundred Million
 900,000,000 - Siamgatu million - Nine Hundred million

 One billions
 1,000,000,000 - Sabillion - One billion
 2,000,000,000 - Duak billion - Two Billion
 3,000,000,000 - Tulok billion - Three billion
 4,000,000,000 - Pat billion - Four Billion
 5,000,000,000 - Limak billion - Five Billion
 6,000,000,000 - Gonom billion - Six billion
 7,000,000,000 - Pituk billion - Seven Billion
 8,000,000,000 - Oaluk billion - Eight Billion
 9,000,000,000 - Siambillion - Nine Billion

 Ten Billions

 10,000,000,000 - Sapuluk billion - Ten Billion
 20,000,000,000 - Duak puluk billion - Twenty Billion
 30,000,000,000 - Tulo puluk billion - Thirty Billion
 40,000,000,000 - Pat puluk billion - Forty billion
 50,000,000,000 - Lima puluk billion - Fifty Billion
 60,000,000,000 - Gonom puluk billion - Sixty Billion
 70,000,000,00 - Pitu puluk billion - Seventy Billion
 80,000,000,000 - Oalu puluk billion - Eighty Billion
 90,000,000,000 - Siam puluk billion - Ninety Billion

 Hundred Billions
 100,000,000,000 - Sagatubillion - One Hundred Billion
 200,000,000,000 - Duakgatubillion - Two Hundred Billion
 300,000,000,000 - Tolugatubillion - Three Hundred Billion
 400,000,000,000 - Patgatubillion - Four Hundred Billion
 500,000,000,000 - Limagatubillion - Five Hundred Billion
 600,000,000,000 - Gonomgatubillion - Six Hundred Billion
 700,000,000,000 - Pitugatubillion - Seven Hundred billion
 800,000,000,000 - Oalugatu billion - Eight Hundred Billion
 900,000,000,000 - Siamgatu billion - Nine Hundred billion

 1,000,000,000,00 - Satrillion - One Trillion
 2,000,000,000,000 - Duaktrillion - Two Trillion
 3,000,000,000,000 - Tulok trillion - Three Trillion
 4,000,000,000,000 - Pattrillion - Four Trillion
 5,000,000,000,000 - Limaktrillion - Five Trillion
 6,000,000,000,000 - Gonom trillion - Six Trillion
 7,000,000,000,00 - Pituk trillion - Seven Trillion
 8,000,000,000,000 - Oaluk trillion - Eight trillion
 9,000,000,000,000 - Siamtrillion - Nine Trillion

 Ten Trillions
 10,000,000,000,000 - Sapulutrillion - Ten Trillion
 20,000,000,000,000 - Duakpuluk trillion - Twenty Trillion
 30,000,000,000,000 - Tulopuluk trillion - Thirty Trillion
 40,000,000,000,000 - Patpuluk trillion - Forty Trillion
 50,000,000,000,000 - Limapuluk trillion - Fifty Trillion
 60,000,000,000,000 - Gonompuluk trillion - Sixty Trillion
 70,000,000,000,000 - Pitupuluk trillion - Seventy Trillion
 80,000,000,000,000 - Oalupuluk trillion - Eighty Trillion
 90,000,000,000,000 - Siampuluk trillion - Ninety Trillion

 Hundred Trillions 
 100,000,000,000,000 - Sagatu trillion - One Hundred Trillion
 200,000,000,000,000 - Duakgatu trillion - Two Hundred Trillion
 300,000,000,000,000 - Tolugatu trillion - Three Hundred Trillion
 400,000,000,000,000 - Patgatu trillion - Four Hundred Trillion
 500,000,000,000,000 - Limagatu trillion - Five hundred Trillion
 600,000,000,000,000 - Gonomgatu trillion - Six Hundred Trillion
 700,000,000,000,000 - Pitugatu trillion - Seven Hundred Trillion
 800,000,000,000,000 - Oalugatu trillion - Eight Hundred Trillion
 900,000,000,000,000 - Siamgatu trillion - Nine Hundred Trillion

 1,000,000,000,000,000 - Sakuadrillion - One Quadrillion

 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 - Sakuintrillion - One Quintillion 

 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 - Sasekstillion - One Sextillion


 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 - Saseptillion - One Septillion


 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 - Saoktillion - One Octillion


 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 - Sanonillion - One nonillion


 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 - Sadecillion - One Decillion

 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 - Saundecillion - One Undecillion 

 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 - Saduodecillion - One Duodecillion 

 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 - Satredecillion - One Tredecillion

 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 - Sakuattuordecillion - One Quattuordecillion


 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Sakuindecillion One Quindecillion 


 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 - Saseksdecillion - One Sexdecillion

 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 - Saseptendecillion - One Septendecillion 


 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 - Saoktodecillion - One Octodecillion

 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 - Sanovemdecillion - One Novemdecillion 

 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 - Savigintillion - One Vigintillion 

 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 - Sacentillion - One Centillion


Note: You may share your Subanen version based on your locality. (Subanen tuboy, Subanen Sibugay, Subanen Sindangan, Subanen Misamis etc.)

(Common Terms) ( English-Subanen -Translation) Adjectives

Common terms, Adjectives, counting numbers etc..
All - glam
All - katanan
ash - gabu
back - tolingting
bad, evil - molaton
belly - tian
below silung
big - mosolag
bird - manukmanuk
black - gitom
blood - duguq
bone - tulan
breast - duduq
breast - gigdob
child - bataq
cloud -ginampul
cold -motigdow
day - gondow
dirty - miglud
dog - gayam
dry - kumongkag
dry - mimala
dull, blunt - mongalod
dust - gabu
ear - tolinga
earth/soil - glupaq
egg - bulinga
Eight -walu
eye - mata
far- molayuq
fat/grease - glambuq
father - gamaq
feather - glawi
fire - gapoy
fish - sodaq
Five - lima
flower -bulakbulak
Four - pat
fruit - bunga nok kayu
good - ombaqis
green - glunow
hair - buk
Hand - komot
head - gulu
heavy - ombogat
house - baloy
how? - sanu bok
husband - kodumanan
if - bila
intestines - tene
lake - danow
leaf - daon
Left - dibang
leg/foot - botis
lightning - kilat
liver - gatoy
long - moyabaq
louse - kotu
man/male - glaki
moon -bulan
mosquito - kolomut
mother - ginaq
mouth - babaq
name - ngalan
narrow - mosikoq
near - molani
neck - glig
needle - dialum
new - bogu
night - gobi
Nine - siam
no, not - konaq
nose - sung
old - miobon na
old - mogulang
One Hundred - sagatus
One Thousand - sangibu
One - sala bok
Other - doga
painful, sick - ompodiq
person/human being -gotow
rain - dupi
rat - bolabow
red - ompula
Right - glintu
road/path - bianan
road/path - dalan
root - gamot
rope - tali
rotten - milumun
salt - masin
sand - pontad
sea - dagat
Seven pitu
sharp - mokotong
short - ombabaq
short - polokon
shoulder - baga
shy, ashamed - sipog
Six - gonom
skin - panit
sky - glangit
small - molintokon
smoke - gobul
snake - mamak
spider - bolingkawaq
star - bitun
stick/wood - kayu
stone - batu
tail - gikog
Ten - sapuluq
thatch/roof - gatop
thick - modikpul
thin - monipis
Three - tolu
thunder –glugung
tongue - dilaq
tooth - ngisi
Twenty - duaq puluq
Two - duaq
warm - minit
water - tubig
wet - ombasaq
what? - olo
when? - nanu
where? - ain
white - omputiq
who? - sima
wide - moliwag
wife - kodumanan
wind -galuq
wing - gakap
woman/female - glibun
woods/forest - tolunan
worm (earthworm) - glowati
year - ton
yellow - dalag


Note: You may share your Subanen version based on your locality. (Subanen tuboy, Subanen Sibugay, Subanen Sindangan, Subanen Misamis etc.)

(Verb Samples) (Subanen – English Translation)

Sample Verbs
to bite - mongugdit
to blow -mongoyup
to breathe - guminawa
to burn - mondoksul
to burn -mondoksul
to buy - sumaloy
to chew- momaqan
to choose - momiliq
to climb - monek
to come - mangoy
to cook -misabu, mogapoy
to count - mogitung
to cry - moksogow
to cut, hack -mogbul
to die, be dead- patoy
to dig - mongokot
to dream - toginopan
to drink- minum
to eat - kuman
to fall - modogdag
to fear - mondok
to fly - lumayug
to hear - mokinongog
to hide moglogabong
to hold - kumokom
to hunt - moktiqit
to kill - bunuqon
to know, be knowledgeable - sunan
to laugh - mokotawa
to plant - momula
to pound, beat - mogbayu
to say - moktaluq
to scratch - mokatol, mongokot
to see - moktongow
to sew - sumobot
to sit - mogingkod
to sleep - motulug
to sniff, smell - sumopu
to spit - dumulaq
to squeeze - kosolon
to stab, pierce - pokpakon
to stand - mogindog
to steal - mogdakow
to suck - sumoksop
to swim - lumangoy
to think - pikil
to throw - pilakon
to tie up, fasten- ikotan
to turn - motilong
to vomit - kutaq
to walk - ompanow
to work - moginang
to yawn - logab


Note: You may share your Subanen version based on your locality. (Subanen tuboy, Subanen Sibugay, Subanen Sindangan, Subanen Misamis etc.)

Subanen Greetings (Morning, Noon and Nighttime) with English Translation

Subanen greetings

Day Time / Morning time Greetings
* Molongas gendao
* Ombais gendao
* Gempya gendao
* Piag gendaw
* Molongas gendao sog glam niu - daytime greeting spoken to a group of people
* Ombais gendao sog glam niu - daytime greeting spoken to a group of people
* Gempya nog gendao sog glam niu - daytime greeting spoken to a group of people
Late morning and early afternoon Greetings
* Molongas sisolom - late morning and early afternoon greeting
* Bais sisolom - late morning and early afternoon greeting
* Ombais sisolom - late morning and early afternoon greeting
* Gempya sisolom - late morning and early afternoon greeting
* Piag sisolom - late morning and early afternoon greeting
Noontime Greetings
* Molongas tasendo
* Ombais tasondo
* Gempya tasondo
* Piag tasondo
late Afternoon and early evening greetings
* Molongas lalabong
* Ombais lalabong
* Gompya delabong
* Piag delabong
Evening Greetings
* Molongas gobi
* Ombais gobi
* Gompya gobi
* Piag gobi
Ayen ka pasungo? - greeting to a person going somewhere, "where are you going?"
Ayen ka tido? - welcome greeting to a person arriving, "where are you coming from?"
Note: in Subanen alphabet, there is no "w" and is often replaced with "io" or "o"